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Unforeseen site conditions? We’ve got it covered.

Delays on large projects often mess up timing for other scheduled contractors and push out project completion weeks, if not months. Here at CMI, we know the importance of moving quickly and solving problems efficiently to avoid these delays and keep the project moving. A great example of this was when some unforeseen site conditions arose at a local project. The Lot 5 project is one of many ongoing at the Strong Memorial hospital. Site work had just begun when it was discovered that a 6,000-gallon backup generator fuel tank and an adjacent parking lot would be compromised by the extent of the foundation excavation.

CMI was called in to provide a shoring solution and reinforcing solution so that excavation could continue in a timely manner. Sheet piling and driven piles were not an option due to the close proximity of the hospital and surrounding adjacent utilities, since the solution had to be vibration free and quick to install. CMI's design team got to work drawing up a turn key solution that included underpinning for the fuel tank foundation and shoring that runs the length of the parking lot and the face of the fuel tank. The design was centered around using material on hand to reduce delays and included 3.5” galvanized helical piles with counterforce brackets for underpinning, and 5.5” helical piles to be used as shoring soldier piles.

Installation took our team three days, and site work was able to start back up again in less than a week. Turn key deep foundation solutions are our specialty, and this project was a good example of the fast, excellent service CMI provides.



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